Collection: Water

Water filtration is the most effective way for most people to reduce their estrogenic exposure because so much of it comes through your water and municipal water treatment processes are unconcerned about and unequipped to remove it.

 Essentially all estrogenic substances can be filtered out of your drinking water with a simple activated charcoal filter. But there’s more to it than that. Those of us who understand the sources of hormone disrupting substances know that they leach out of plastics. So we have additional requirements than most people that buy filtration systems.

 The hunt was challenging, but we present here for you a variety of options, the SMARTEST of which are essentially plastic free. If you can only afford a filtration system with a plastic reservoir, like a pitcher, YOU SHOULD STILL BUY IT for the all-important filtering process, then pour the water into a glass or stainless steel container for storage. Be sure and replace the filters as often as the manufacturer specifies or you defeat the entire purpose.

 And remember… really, nobody upstream cares what’s in your water. YOU are in charge. And if you don’t filter your water, you ARE the filter.

Layne Kilpatrick, Pharmacist

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